
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all my readers, wherever you maybe on this wonderful world called Earth.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Zumba class

My first day of Lifetime started with a Zumba class.
It is great how you burn calories by dancing. I loved it. I haven't done it since summer. I was a true believer of kick boxing but after doing Zumba in the summer, I decided that it was an amazing way to workout.
It was definitely soo much fun.

Looking forward for my next Zumba class.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

6 miles and T-I-R-E-D

With the high that I got yesterday from my 8 mile run, I decided to run another 6 miles today. By the end of the 6 miles, I was definitely T-I-R-E-D!!
When I came home I just wanted to rest my legs.
To my surprise, my mom came back from the gym and she told me I had a month membership at Lifetime!! How cool!! I will start tomorrow.

I will tell you all about the classes I take there.
Will need some ice for my knees.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shopping and Running

Last week I did nothing besides run and shop. Today after 2 days of rest from my last run, I decided to run over 8 miles! It's the most I have ever ran! I was so proud of myself when I finished. I went a pretty good pace and well it was definitely needed. I got a boost for sure. It's a great way to finish the year.
I think that for the New Year's Resolutions for 2011, include running these 8 miles at a faster pace and be able to run a half marathon! I will focus on a marathon in 2012.

Very happy!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Back to Dallas

We went to have lunch at my brother's for the last time and then we drove back to Dallas. We arrived home and had a nice dinner with my relatives.
I was really tired but still went to bed pretty late. We had dinner with my relatives that are leaving tomorrow.

My grandma and I are going to use this week as shopping week. I hope we don't spend too much money.
I hope I get to run some too. We will see.

Another shopping day!

My relatives and my sister arrived to Austin around 8:30am and then we were off to the San Marcos Outlets.
We spent around 5 hours there and I was able to get a few things that I really needed. Once we finished shopping we all went to eat at Luby's onour way back.
It reminded me of my swimming days when we went to the State meet. I remember that my coach loved to go to Luby's right before the meet. In fact it was the best way to get healthier food in our bodies rather than fast food even if Luby's doesn't compete with a homemade meal. 
When we finished eating, we drove back to Austin and went to the hotel to get showered and ready for my brother's graduation.
We took great pictures and got good footage of on video as well of my brother and I was very happy.
We watched good a memory video of my brother in the party and had Olive Garden. It was a very good night.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Austin, TX

So today was a day to wake up early and drive 4 hours to Austin, TX. My brother had a breakfast for the students that graduate from the Liberal Arts program with UTeach.
After the breakfast, he went home and my parents and I did planning and went shopping for decorations for his party. We got his catering ordered too.
After the important stuff was done, my mom and I went shopping for dresses for my brother's graduation. Very last minute but we got them just in time!! =)
Tonight I will be able to go out with my friends from college too. I can't wait. I am soo excited.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Back in the States

I guess December 2nd was more lucky than December 1st because I am back on American soil.
It was a long flight but I was able to sleep quite a bit.
It's not very hard for me to fall asleep but sleeping on a plane is not super comfortable.
Whatever I have to go through, it all seems like nothing once you are back home and with family.
Glad to be here for a few weeks!!
Of course I am already thinking of going shopping later. It's so nice to see price tags with a reasonable price not overpriced and also in euros!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What did people live without the internet just a couple of decades ago?

Woke up early and decided to do some cleaning I had been putting off. While I was having breakfast, the electricity went out. I thought it was something that would last only a few minutes or even an hour. Unfortunetly, I had all these plans and I wasn't able to do much because my I was stuck in Italy for the bad weather in Frankfurt. I hope the weather getscomputer, internet, TV and radio were not working today. So no vacuuming got done either, but I was able to dust, sweep, and do some little projects I had been meaning to do for a while. It's amazing what you can accomplish without the Internet, there are no distractions. It really wasn't so bad because I had things to do but it got really boring when the sun went down at around 5pm. I wasn't prepared at all either. No candles and no flashlights. Thank Gof the elctricity came back around 7pm right after I had dinner so at least in the evening I was able to use the computer and watch some TV.
I am glad it's back and I am just hoping tomorrow the weather is better and I am able to go back to the States.