
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Did it again....

Made banana nut bread again because well I wanted to make some to bring to Tommaso's birthday tomorrow.
Before I made it I took a picture of the ripe bananas. I thought it was strange that bananas ripe different.

Ripe Del Monte Bananas
As you can see on the left, there are the ones from the African continent and on the right from the ones from the American contient. I found it so strange because I usually never let bananas ripe and oddly enough I picked up 3 bananas from each continent on the same day and the same supermarket. I figured all bananas ripe like the ones on the right, that is how I have always seen them. I never thought it could happen as on the left.

Anyway, the banana nut bread turned out well. Not like last weeks, it was a bit more humid this time. Since in Italy nobody knows about this type of bread, everyone that has tried it so far thinks it's a dessert. They are quite surprised that this is what you can have breakfast.

Before the cake, Riccardo and I went by bike and on the road we found someone that we knew. He flies cycling. It was quite amazing to see. Well Riccardo kept his pace but I just realized how slow I am. Well I am sure I can keep a stedy pace for a long time but I need to practice more and the fall weather is not helping. It was quite cold today. Thank God that I brought my winter gloves, otherwise my fingers would have been frozen.
This time we did a new road. Riccardo takes this road to work everyday and he had done it once before but that day I didn't go with him. It was tough because you are right next to the cars that drive by pretty fast. It's a mountain road and quite narrow in some areas.
I had a bad pain on my left leg which didn't help but I kept at it and arrived to where we said we were going to meet. We got ready for the downhill with wind jackets, winter gloves, etc. and went at a very good pace on the way back.

In the evening, we went to get a pirlo :) We usually go to a bar with a big projector where we can see the soccer games. Last night we went because Milan playing, Riccardo's favorite team. Luckily we arrived right before Pirlo (this time the soccer player) scored a crazy goal. Thanks to him, Milan won the game last night.
In Brescia, there was an event called, Notte Bianca, but due to Riccardo's bad sore throat, we decided to go home early and skip Notte Bianca. It is a fun event. All shops and businesses downtown are open and the city is lighted, that way two times a year people come downtown to mingle and be out in the city. They do this event in March and October I believe. I have been twice and it's great. I was so surprised to see so many people!!!
From what I hear, Brescia is stereo-typed as a city with one of the worst dialects in Italy and for having people that just work, work, work.

I don't mind the work, work, work because it's probably one of the most wealthy cities in Italy and also in a region that is one of the biggest markets. This city is very industrialized and due to that, there are many immigrants.
And because Brescians like working so much, they never go downtown or go out after work. In the morning, they leavehome to work and after work, they go straight home. It's like they are so worried about work they give up the "fun" in their lives. Everything runs like a clock or at least most of the time, even if local citizens might not agree with this statement. I have never met a culture that is so coconscious of time like Brescians. I have seen something similar when I lived in Detroit but nothing like here.
This reminds me of a saying one of my swim coaches will say to me about being on time to practice. "If you are five minutes early, you're on-time, if you're on-time you are late."
I think that is really true. If you have an appointment at 3:30pm and the other party arrives at 3:29pm, right after they greet you, they apologize for being late.

Anyway, going back to Notte Bianca, well it's pretty much the only time of the year that you can see so many people gathered together in one area.

So we skipped Notte Bianca but we watched Superman. The old one not the recent one.
I liked it. I had never seen it.

Overall, a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know that things run smooth for you in Italy. Greet Riccardo and have fun!

    Eduardo Mórlan.
